Hurry Slowly

Hurry Slowly

Do you find yourself constantly short of time, scrambling, rushing, darting? Have you noticed that even a 3 minute Youtube video or a 90 minute movie is stretching the limits of your attention span? Or that often when you're doing something enjoyable, you aren't really there, because you're planning for the next thing or checking a to-do list off in your head? Have I got the podcast for you. 

Hurry Slowly is a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient through the simple act of slowing down.

I can't recommend it highly enough. The different episodes have different focuses. From technology in the workplace, to the value of nature, to how we should see our attention as a commodity that needs to be earned. It was recommend to me by a friend after I admitted I'd started watching movies on x1.25 speed to get through them quicker. I know. I should (and do!) know better. This podcast has seeded some great ideas though, and I'm committed to making a change. 

Find out more about the podcast here. Download it here